Leadership Thoughts

leading in today's world

1B. Immature Leadership: President Trump?

A very recent paper by Scott Allison and others from the University of Richmond focuses directly on immature leadership and Donald Trump. The paper explores what it means for a person to show maturity as a leader. It also describes the developmental stages required to demonstrate mature leadership. The authors suggest the pinnacle of mature leadership is what they label as heroic transforming leadership. Two characteristics mark such leadership: unitive consciousness and non-dualistic thinking.

Unitive Consciousness

In Western society the authors suggest one becomes a mature leader by a process of becoming a hero. At the conclusion of this journey the hero is transformed into a wise elder.… Read the rest

Sane Leadership

The title of Margaret Wheatley’s new book, Who Do We Choose to Be? Facing Reality Claiming Leadership, Restoring Sanity intrigued me enough to read it. Facing reality means knowing where we are now and how we got here. Claiming leadership means determining the role of leaders now. And restoring sanity means creating islands of sanity. As with her prior books, one cannot easily summarize it. Rather, I will try focus on the leadership core of her book.

Sane leadership and local leadership comprise the major threads of her leadership discourse. If I had to pick out her core focus it would be this: Sane leadership is the unshakeable faith in people’s capacity to be generous, creative, and kind.… Read the rest